Updates on Baby Boy & Some Musings (on the occasion of our 9th Wedding Anniversary)
The week leading up to closing has been jam-packed. Tuesday, we signed off on our buyer's Due Diligence requests- completing the process of selling our house a day early. Yesterday, Logan and I celebrated 9 years of marriage and had our 2nd to last Fetal ECHO. That doesn't include our day jobs, all the quotes on home repairs we're working through with our agent, or the massively unenjoyable temper tantrums we are blitzed with at all hours of the day and night. Our faerie-like daughter has begun to moonlight as a super villain and she is (unfortunately) quite good at it. The Fetal ECHO went as hoped- no new complications. It's funny what good news looks like when you live in bad news, but we'll take the good news however and whenever it appears. While we are not yet booked for our induction, we have a pretty decent idea of when that will happen, so things are starting to take real shape. We are sustained by the raw excitement of moving into a new place and all the ...