Interstage- thoughts from the middle
One week after bringing Liam home from an almost five week stay at the hospital, we’re bone weary, but happy. One thing we’ve learned quickly is that Eliza was an easy infant to take care of by every measure. It has been a long week filled with sleepless nights- moreso than the average parents with a 5 week old. This is mainly due to Liam’s feeding schedule and my pumping. Unlike a normal breastfeeding mom, not only do I pump every 3 hours, I have to prepare it with formula for additional calories. Liam is on an NG tube and his feed is pumped in over a 70 minute span by machine which has to be manually shut off when complete - it will let you know by producing an obnoxiously loud beeping every second until you turn it off (the manual offers no mute option). Pump parts need to be cleaned and set out to dry and then about an hour and a half later we get to do it all over again. The intermittent sleeping is more than a little challenging for daily life and more than once the questio...