
Showing posts from April, 2020

Love in the Time of Coronavirus

Like many parents and family of immune-compromised loved ones the first thing that popped into my mind when I started hearing about COVID-19 was, “this is how we’re going to lose Liam.” Maybe that seems dramatic for the everyday person who is young and/or unfamiliar with chronic illness, but to heart parents even the Flu is deadly, so something like Coronavirus is terrifying. We do all the smart things: wear masks in public, wash our hands excessively, limit our trips to the store to 1x per week, etc..., but Logan works in healthcare, so there is a certain amount of risk that we take on at baseline. We can only hope a viable vaccine or treatment can come online faster than the spread, but even as public places reopen, we’ll continue to practice social distancing until a treatment is found because this pandemic is far from contained. We are incredibly fortunate as a family to still have our jobs- our work is essential and I already work from home. It goes without saying many of our f...